Waiting for the EPC valves.... Again we are waiting for the valves that will help fine tune the controls of the jets, the electronic proportional valves. I ordered them through a NM distributor, who ordered regular shut off valves from some company in Florida, which I returned, so we started from square one two weeks later. I am expecting the valves this week. Meanwhile we have been forging components for the cage, and I have been repairing the electrical nest in the console. There are plenty of repairs. One sheared bolt resulted in a failed extraction and a complete dis-assembly of Jet 4's commutator. Hours. Most of the high voltage wire for each jet needs a splice repair due to hard traveling. We have hopefully remedied this problem by building a cozy wood base holder for each pulse jet. Each of the jets counterweight "sails" has also been furnished with bright colors and numbers which will make it easy to see which one you are playing. The shop has been bustling with volunteers for both projects and the excitement is growing. Christian's project takes up his entire part of the shop and my section of the cage is crammed into my space. It's a full shop! Now if only those darn valves could get here, so we can test and assemble the console!